Do you want to know some basic information regarding biofeedback equipment? Well, it is highly important for you to understand what biofeedback actually is and which equipment is used for biofeedback. So that you can get the right help in deciding the equipment you need to purchase.
Even more, you would also be able to benefit by having some basic skills and information regarding biofeedback instrumentation for sure.
An insight to biofeedback:
Biofeedback is a technique of mind-body that is meant to teach people in therapy the best ways to control the involuntary responses of the body to facilitate improved health. Whether you scratch your nose, sit on the bench in a park or do anything else, we are continuously performing voluntary bodily actions which are being controlled consciously.
Well, the basic purpose of biofeedback is to make subtle changes often to the body that can result in desired effects. This can include relaxing some specific muscles, reduced feelings of pain or slow heart rate.
Some of the processes that you could learn to control include:
Pain perception
Muscle tension
Blood pressure
Blood flow
Heart rate, etc.
This overall process is effective to boost their emotional, mental and physical health. Even more, it can also be used to manage certain symptoms of people in a more effective way.
Equipment used for biofeedback
Biofeedback therapy may use a wide array of specialized tools or equipment on the basis of which physiological operation has to be monitored.
Précised instruments are being used to measure physiological activities such as heart function, muscle activity, brainwav
es, breathing, skin temperature and more. This information presentation is more often come in conjunction with the changes in emotions, thinking, behavior and support required physiological changes.
However, biofeedback devices are usually a mix of highly sophisticated equipment for physiological recording.
Some of the biofeedback sensor modalities may include the following:
Electromyographs to get data on muscle tension
Electrodermographs to measure electrical properties of skin that are associated with the sweat glands’ activity.
Feedback thermometers to get data regarding skin temperature.
Electroencephalographs to measure electrical brain activities and brain waves that are used for biofeedback commonly.
Photoplethysmographs to get data on via a digit such as heart rate, variability rate of heart, as well as blood volume pulse.
Pneumographs to measure chest expansion and contradiction as well as respiration rate.
Electrocardiograms to measure electrical activity and variability rate of heart
Capnometers or capnographs to measure CO2 pressure in exhaled air to get insights to breathing quality of a person.
Hemoencephalographs to measure amount of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood in the area of brain.
Air pressure devices to measure muscle performance
Rheoencephalographs to measure flow of blood in the brain.
Biofeedback has been used for an array of applications to overcome or cope with negative health effects in the best possible way. This can also help people in decreasing harmful physiological and physical effects of stress more effectively.
